We at Gyanodaya Academybelieve that wellbeing is about children being confident, healthy and happy. Children desire to be loved, valued, respected, cared for and included. We feel that wellbeing is also an important element of overall student success. Students cannot achieve high academically if they feel unsafe and unhappy. They cannot be expected to reach their full potential if they have mental health issues and if we do not provide the support they need. And they cannot be their best if they are not motivated to adopt a healthy, active lifestyle, both in and outside of school.

The relationship and interaction that they have with their families, school and communities contribute significantly to their sense of well-being.

In this rapidly changing world, students face a number of challenges and struggles every day. Issues over personality, career choices, and relationships with friends and parents are a few things that greatly affect their lives. In such situations, being flexible and having a positive outlook on learning and on life is crucial as it helps children become resilient and resourceful in life.

Therefore, our Gyanodaya AcademyChild Wellbeing Department focuses on providing support to students and their families and helps them deal with or understand their emotions and behavior better.

Our counsellors provide the students with the opportunity to express themselves creatively, offer a warm and supportive environment, and assist them to make good choices to help them become positive about themselves and their learning.

The counsellors along with the teachers and teacher-guardians help to make school a safe place for students, conducive to their happiness and learning. They involve them in activities to build confidence, impart life skills, and allow them to experience a spiritual dimension in life that enhances their sense of wellbeing.



  • CONNECT:- Talk and listen, get connected to yourself, and connect with your environment.
  • GIVE:- your time, your words, your presence, and your dedication to others.
  • TAKE NOTICE:- of yourself, of your strengths and weaknesses, and of what gives you happiness.
  • KEEP LEARNING:- Embrace new experiences; seek new opportunities.
  • BE ACTIVE:- Do what you can do, and enjoy what you do.

Our Services

  • Individual Counselling: We provide an open, supportive and confidential environment to the students to address the issues that are of concern to them. Through this unique process between a counsellor and a student we aim to help him/her to gain an understanding about his/her own behaviour and promote development of skills for dealing with difficulties associated with personal, academic and social life. This process works on the basis of trust and confidentiality.
  • Group Counselling: Students with similar experiences/issues are addressed together, where each group member contributes in some way, listening and talking to others. This group interaction provides an opportunity to build relationships and receive interpersonal feedback about each other’s experiences. This process helps them to gain specific skills and strategies to meet personal challenges and gain support and encouragement from others.
  • Parental Counselling: The school offers parental counselling to reduce the stress level and to increase the sense of confidence in parents. Parental counselling helps the parents in identifying and expressing feelings for their child when they interact with him/her. They learn new parenting skills and behavior management strategies.
  • Family Counselling: Gyanodaya Academy Scool always places great importance on the family, with a number of initiatives each year to bring the school and the family closer together. A child needs the support of the entire family to live a happy and healthy life. At times family counselling is given to strengthen the relationship between the family members and the child.
  • Training on Life Skills: It is our endeavor to focus on cultivating life skills. Life skills are abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable us to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. They are a set of human skills acquired via teaching or through direct experience and are used to handle problems and questions commonly encountered in daily human life. They aid individuals to develop into active and productive members of their communities.